Why Rent With Indie Campers?

Read honest feedback from fellow travelers who have embarked on an adventure with Indie Campers. Whether you're planning your first road trip with Indie Campers or seeking inspiration from renowned travel influencers, you'll find all the insights and Indie Campers reviews you need right here.

Excellent 4.7 out of 5 From 35,000+ travelers

Customer Reviews

Liam B.


2 months ago

2 People
14 days
Munich → Munich
Atlas 5
All in all pretty good! The vehicle was in petty good condition. Service was good. The team was nice and provided all the information needed. It would be nice if there was a way to get Indie on WhatsApp. For those without Sim for calls and only for Internet.
Colin B.


2 months ago

3 People
17 days
Edinburgh → London
Atlas 5 Auto
You have a great website interface and a great product. I did not have any problems on my trip, but I am curious how my experience would have gone should I have required customer service. If you temper your expectations, you will have the time you are looking for. Give yourself plenty of time on day...
Sam Q.


2 months ago

2 People
7 days
Venice → Venice
Would be be good to have leisure battery charged more at pick up - everything else was perfect! Perfect size van. Very comfortable and everything easy to use

Takeaways from our reviews

Comfort and Convenience Excellent Customer Service Great Value for Money Freedom and Flexibility

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Indie campers

Solis Air

4 2

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A white campervan with subtle yellow and orange stripes is parked on a sandy terrain, surrounded by open fields and clear skies. The vehicle is ready for exploration, offering a cozy, mobile retreat in the midst of nature.

Indie campers


4 2

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Indie campers


4 2

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Indie campers


2 1

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Indie Campers in the News

"Indie Campers RV was perfect for the trip, fully equipped with two double beds, camping stove, crockery, folding table and chairs"

"Recreational vehicles is experiencing a boom at present... Indie Campers aims to bridge the gap between supply and current demand for safe and sustainable travel options."

"The market is becoming more creative and of course comfortable, so this Indie Campers RV sleeps 4... Perhaps this is actually the future"

"Indie Campers, a European camper van rental platform, has expanded to the US with a Los Angeles outpost, setting the grounds for a nationwide expansion within the next two years."

What People Say About Indie Campers