Our SuperHost program is designed to recognize and reward hosts who go above and beyond to create an exceptional experience for our travelers. We want to showcase hosts who offer the most memorable experiences and make our guests feel truly welcomed and taken care of.
As a SuperHost, you'll enjoy a range of benefits that will help you maximize your exposure, attract more bookings, and showcase your commitment to providing an outstanding experience.
What is a Super Host?
SuperHost is a distinguished title given to our top-rated hosts who consistently provide exceptional guest experiences. SuperHosts go above and beyond to make sure their guests have an unforgettable vacation, and their efforts don't go unnoticed. They consistently receive high ratings, positive reviews, and repeat bookings from satisfied guests.
What are the benefits?
As a SuperHost, you'll earn our coveted badge of honor that will be placed in your listings and profile, boosting your credibility and catching the eye of potential guests. Plus, you'll enjoy increased visibility on our site, with your listing appearing at the top of search results, driving more bookings and revenue your way.
How can I become a Super Host?
Our SuperHost program is designed to reward hosts who consistently deliver amazing guest experiences. To become a SuperHost, you'll need to have exceptional listing descriptions, lightning-fast response times, high acceptance rates, low cancellation rates, and excellent review scores. Sound like a lot? Don't worry – we're here to help!